Thursday, September 17, 2009


I went for my scheduled 5mile run today. Thought about being solid and my core as a brick house. Did the actual 5.7 miles in some 51 minutes. Not bad for this 38 year old guy.

Also stretched and primed a three feet by three feet canvas today. It is ready to be painted on. I did a quick graphite sketch of Georgia the dog and OC the cat on the wet gesso. I just felt itchy to get onto the canvas.

This painting "Toeing the Line" has been painted over so that it looks like this now
Then I disassembled it into 12" x 12" squares and it now sits in a pile on the green stool in my studio.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for the comments. Seeing as I think your work is pretty much the bees knees, a compliment coming from you is as if from on high. As for a runner's life: I hope your training is going well, my dad and I are always toying with doing a marathon but I think my knees will not allow it. ps-I really love your "Toeing the Line" amalgamation.
